Pantheios Stock Back-ends
[Pantheios Back-end API]

Detailed Description

Pre-built back-ends supplied with the Pantheios library.

Pantheios comes with several pre-written stock back-end libraries, which cover most common needs for logging. They also serve as good examples of how to write a custom back-end.


 Pantheios ACE Stock Back-end
 Back-end library built on top of the logging facilities of the Adaptive Communications Environment (ACE).
 Pantheios COM Error Object Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that sets the calling threads's COM error object.
 Pantheios fprintf() Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that writes to the standard output or error stream via fprintf().
 Pantheios KiwiSysLog KLOG Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that is implemented in terms of KiwiSysLog's KLOG.
 Pantheios NULL Stock Back-end
 Stub back-end library that does no emission.
 Pantheios UNIX SysLog Stock Back-end
 Back-end library built on top of the UNIX syslog API.
 Pantheios Win32 Console Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that outputs to the Win32 console, colour-coding based on severity level.
 Pantheios Win32 Debugger Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that outputs to the Win32 debugger.
 Pantheios UNIX Win32-SysLog Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that provides a custom implementation of the SysLog-protocol for Win32.
 Pantheios Windows EventLog Stock Back-end
 Back-end library that writes to the Windows event log.
 Pantheios Local/Remote Split Back-end
 Back-end library that splits the emission of log statements, writing to local and/or remote back-ends that are independently filtered.

pantheios Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006 Logo