Pantheios Win32 Console Stock Back-end
[Pantheios Stock Back-ends]

Detailed Description

Back-end library that outputs to the Win32 console, colour-coding based on severity level.


 Pantheios Win32 Console Stock Back-end Flags
 Flags for the Pantheios Win32 Console Stock Back-end.


struct  pan_be_Win32Console_init_t
 Structure used for specifying initialisation information to the be.Win32Console library. More...


void pantheios_be_Win32Console_getAppInit (int backEndId, pan_be_Win32Console_init_t *init)
 Callback function defined by the application, invoked when the API is initialised with a NULL init parameter.
void pantheios_be_Win32Console_getDefaultAppInit (pan_be_Win32Console_init_t *init)
 Fills out a copy of the initialisation structure with default values (representative of the default behaviour of the library), ready to be customised and passed to the API initialiser function pantheios_be_Win32Console_init().
int pantheios_be_Win32Console_init (char const *processIdentity, int id, pan_be_Win32Console_init_t const *init, void *param, void **ptoken)
 Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_init() over the Win32 Console API.
void pantheios_be_Win32Console_uninit (void *token)
 Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_uninit() over the Win32 Console API.
int pantheios_be_Win32Console_logEntry (void *feToken, void *beToken, int severity, char const *entry, size_t cchEntry)
 Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_logEntry() over the Win32 Console API.

Function Documentation

void pantheios_be_Win32Console_getAppInit int  backEndId,
pan_be_Win32Console_init_t init

Callback function defined by the application, invoked when the API is initialised with a NULL init parameter.

backEndId The back-end identifier passed to the back-end during its initialisation.
init A pointer to an already-initialised instance of pan_be_Win32Console_init_t.
If any application-specific changes are required they can be made to the structure to which init points, which will already have been initialised. These changes will then be incorporated into the back-end state, and reflected in its behaviour.

If no changes are required, then the function can be a simple stub, containing no instructions.

This function is only required when the callback version of the library is used.
throw() This function must not throw any exceptions!
This function will be called during the initialisation of Pantheios, and so must not make any calls into Pantheios, either directly or indirectly!

void pantheios_be_Win32Console_getDefaultAppInit pan_be_Win32Console_init_t init  ) 

Fills out a copy of the initialisation structure with default values (representative of the default behaviour of the library), ready to be customised and passed to the API initialiser function pantheios_be_Win32Console_init().

This function should not be called on an already-initialised instance, as is the case in the implementation of the pantheios_be_Win32Console_getAppInit() function, as it will already have been called by pantheios_be_Win32Console_init() prior to the callback.

int pantheios_be_Win32Console_init char const *  processIdentity,
int  id,
pan_be_Win32Console_init_t const *  init,
void *  param,
void **  ptoken

Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_init() over the Win32 Console API.

int pantheios_be_Win32Console_logEntry void *  feToken,
void *  beToken,
int  severity,
char const *  entry,
size_t  cchEntry

Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_logEntry() over the Win32 Console API.

void pantheios_be_Win32Console_uninit void *  token  ) 

Implements the functionality for pantheios_be_uninit() over the Win32 Console API.

pantheios Library documentation © Matthew Wilson, 2006 Logo